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Tag: CD-Index

CD-Index: My media cataloging solution

Added by 7 years ago

I have a huge media collection, that I created many years ago. Eventually, in some time I got need to find several files by their names. After unsuccessful checking tens of my CDs I realized, that it was too complicated to do that simple task as my media collection was just too big. In this way, I came to the conclusion, that I needed a media cataloging tool.

I tried many ready solutions, but none of them appeared to be good enough for me to use. The biggest problem with them was the search – it was just damn too slow. And, it was so slow becauses they used plain text files, e.g., in XML format, to store the file structure information. It looked like they loaded those big text files, parsed them and then made the search. And they did that for each media. So eventually, I realized, that I had to implement my own solution.

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Personal report for 2017

Added by 7 years ago

The personal report for the previous year can be seen here

This is another report for one more failure year, but, I hope, for the last such one (as I’m doing very serious things to prevent this in future). In this year, I finally realized, that I got into a comfort zone (again), which did not allow me to move forward and which, eventually, appeared to be not really comfort. Now I understand, that this could be seen just by reading my previous reports (for 2015-2016), but I was too “blind” (that’s, actually, how the comfort zone works).

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