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4-byte UTF-8 problem in Redmine and how to fix it (4 comments)

Added by 7 years ago

I’ll start with explaining the cause of the problem. If you don’t need this, you can skip the padded paragraphs.

You have probably already heard about issues with weird symbols in iPhones, that led to freeze or reboot? Something like these can also be experienced on Redmine instances, that were installed some time ago. iPhones crash because they fail to render the weird symbols and such Redmine instances give errors because they fail to save corresponding symbols to the database. Yes, the problem is actually in the underlying MySQL database, not in Redmine. In iPhones this happens with some unusual 4-byte unicode symbols and in Redmine/MySQL this can happen with any 4-byte symbol. Thus, you can experience this issue in Redmine with emoji, some Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters.

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Mastering Redmine: Upgrading to Redmine 3.3 (from 3.2)

Added by 8 years ago

As you can read in the book, I decided to store the Redmine code for the book’s project in the directory /opt/redmine/redmine-x.y.z, where x.y.z is the version number. I chose such location to be able to easily switch back to the previous version of Redmine in a case of upgrade failure.

However, such approach introduced a need to copy all the user and state data, such as logs, from the old version to the new one during the upgrade. And, there are quite a lot of such data. So, to simplify this process, I decided to modify the Redmine file structure a little.

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Redmine › WikiNG: Three ways to add custom HTML content to Wiki in Redmine

Added by 11 years ago

It’s absolutely common for a Redmine user to ask: How do I add custom HTML code to the Wiki content? Here by Wiki content users usually mean not just a Wiki page, as in Redmine a Wiki syntax enabled content is used everywhere (well, almost) – in project description, in issue description, in news, in comments, and so on. Anyway, normally, for Redmine such inquisitive persons get quick and definite answer: There is no way!..

As this is a common question, certainly, I used to ask it too. But, as I’m a Redmine plugin developer, I was able to “give” a different answer… Depending on the features, I developed, I used to implement some capabilities for embeding custom HTML code into different places of Redmine interface. There were no plan or design – I just implemented, what I thought at that moment can be reasonable and needful. Only after implementing those things I realized, that in several my plugins I implemented almost the same feature – the possibility to embed custom HTML code into the Wiki content. Luckily it was implemented in different ways…

To be more precise this was done in two my plugins – in Hooks Manager and in WikiNG. As some of these features are not foremost and, therefore, can be unnoticed and as the feature is commonly asked, I decided to describe its implementations in this article.

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Redmine › SCM Creator (+Github): Using Github repositories with Redmine

Added by 11 years ago

Github is the most popular online service for hosting and collaborative development of open source projects. And Redmine is the most popular personal and enterprise open source project hosting and management solution. So, no wonder, that these two systems are used together quite often.

Thus, Github’s Redmine service hook can be used to trigger fetching of repository updates by Redmine, when new commits are made to the Github repository. Unfortunately, it’s useless for the pure Redmine, as Redmine is not able to work with Github repositories directly (only through the local Git mirror, which needs to be created and updated manually)… Moreover, I am not aware of any solution, which could be used for this (even through the mirror).

Certainly, Redmine (especially its community) does much more to support Github. Thus, there is the plenty of tutorials describing how to mirror and keep Github repositories in sync for Redmine (e.g., this or this). Also there exist special plugins for making Github repositories easier usable under Redmine. The most noticeable such plugin is Github hook authored by Jakob Skjerning.

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