Отже, вибори пройшли! Очевидно, що нічого, насправді, не змінилося. Чого і варто було очікувати, в принципі… Як то кажуть: від перестановки доданків сума не змінюється! Хоч розподіл сил у Раді й інший, але їх ефективність на тому ж, а то й нижчому, рівні.
December 2012
Mastering Redmine: My book announcement
(1 comment)
I guess sizes of news and Wiki pages, which has been written by me so far, indicate, that I like writing to some extent… I don’t feel it this way though (it’s quite complicated for me to, but, I believe, that it’s the integral part of the good development process, so that’s why I do this usually). Or, maybe, I just don’t know myself well enough?..
Having started to deal with Redmine and having noticed, what kind of mistakes its users usually do, I got the feeling, that I would like to create a blog some day, where I would discuss such issues (by the way, I still want to do this)… I really had a lot of ideas, what to write about for Redmine, and even started to note them.