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Tag: Review

About russian fascism and Roger Griffin’s comments on it (1 comment)

Added by 9 years ago

In my article about fascism in the contemporary Russia, which we (Ukrainians) call “ruscism”, I review tenets of fascism, that are listed in the corresponding article on Wikipedia, and compare them to the regime of Vladimir Putin. This way I show, how close is the Russian regime to the true fascism! Unlike the Ukrainian one, that the Russian propaganda used to call fascist…

Certainly, my investigation of the subject made me believe, that the regime of the contemporary Russia is truly fascist. During this investigation I also checked studies of Roger Griffin, who is a well-known specialist in fascism. Thus, I was astonished, how his term palingenetic ultranationalism precisely explains, why the fascism rose in Russia. According to Griffin, the palingenesis is what differentiates the true fascism from para-fascism. And, it was exactly what convinced me, that the ruscism is a true fascism (i.e., not para-fascism). But, later I found comments of Roger on this subject, in which he stated, that Russia does not seem to be fascist…

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Review of Qr-Cam 601H (YNKJDV 811 WIFI)

Added by 9 years ago

Recently, I got a chinese mini Wi-Fi camera, that was described as H.264 HD 1920×1080. I chose this model as it looked to be easy to mount (due to the form of a pin), independent (does not have to be near a PC or a network socket), mobile (can be easily moved to a different location) and small. It would be quite a good device (for its price), but it appeared to be too unstable. Also, it comes with an awful documentation and too little of information about its capabilities, even in Internet.

I expected to see the name of the manufacturer and the model on the package box or on the device itself, but was not able to do this. In other words, there was nothing, that identified the camera, except its form! Moreover, the package did not include even a document, that would explain, how to use it. However, the box had two QR codes – one for the iOS app and another one for the Android app. So, that’s how I was able to locate websites of (I assume) the embedded software developer (www.qr-cam.com) and (aslo assume) the manufacturer (www.ynkjdv.com). Eventually, the former helped me to find out the rest. By the way, the manufacturer declares its model as 811 WIFI, while the embedded software developer claims, that it (the “modal”, see below) is 601H. So, generally, it looks like the device has two brands and two models – YNKJDV 811 WIFI and Qr-Cam 601H.

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A small outsourcing firm questions CIO’s 7 PM wishes (1 comment)

Added by 11 years ago

Having worked in the IT outsourcing for more than 7 years I studied this industry very well and built a strong vision of it. Thus, I believe, that IT outsourcing has too many grave weaknesses, no one, usually, is trying to rectify. Moreover, these weaknesses do not seem to be known or recognized by any party – neither by vendors nor by customers. Therefore, in my (forthcoming) blog I aim to pay a special attention to them.

In this article we’ll discuss a blog post of a small outsourcing firm – not one of the best, but, most likely, one of the worst representatives of the IT outsourcing industry. But that’s even better as more serious companies are trying to detect and conceal their weaknesses, while companies like this one do not pay much attention to self-examination. Yet still, I believe, the problems revealed are common for all IT outsourcing companies!

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A story of my work at Softjourn

Added by 13 years ago

Softjourn is a small IT outsourcing company with the development center located in Western Ukraine.

In fact, I always felt that there was something wrong with Softjourn. In particular, this could be seen in the story of its first three employees, who were promised to receive leading positions and good compensation in future. Instead, one of them was forced to leave. Another one was fired without any prior notice. And the last one left the company in some time after I did. Despite the promises, when Vasyl, an old friend of Sergiy Fitsak, entered the company, two of them were still employed, but this was Vasyl, who received the new position of team lead at their project. And he was not familiar with the project and even with PHP (the language, the project used). However, the company was very young and I got deceived by the “sincerity” and “openness” of Sergiy, the managing director of the company, having assumed, that the situation could be improved…

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