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About russian fascism and Roger Griffin’s comments on it (1 comment)

Added by 9 лет ago

In my article about fascism in the contemporary Russia, which we (Ukrainians) call «ruscism», I review tenets of fascism, that are listed in the corresponding article on Wikipedia, and compare them to the regime of Vladimir Putin. This way I show, how close is the Russian regime to the true fascism! Unlike the Ukrainian one, that the Russian propaganda used to call fascist…

Certainly, my investigation of the subject made me believe, that the regime of the contemporary Russia is truly fascist. During this investigation I also checked studies of Roger Griffin, who is a well-known specialist in fascism. Thus, I was astonished, how his term palingenetic ultranationalism precisely explains, why the fascism rose in Russia. According to Griffin, the palingenesis is what differentiates the true fascism from para-fascism. And, it was exactly what convinced me, that the ruscism is a true fascism (i.e., not para-fascism). But, later I found comments of Roger on this subject, in which he stated, that Russia does not seem to be fascist…

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Ruscism or russian fascism

Added by 10 лет ago

Russia positions itself as an eternal anti-fascist force in Europe. First, with «insignificant help» of the Allies and other soviet republics it defeated the fascist Germany in 1945. Then, it fought against fascist Mikheil Saakashvili in 2008. And now it struggles against fascist Ukraine and… fascist USA! Whatever country Russians fight with it eventually appears to be a fascist one, weird isn’t it? Or, maybe, this is just an insult they use to call their enemies?.. This looks to be more true. Ukrainian and Georgian people, by the way, also call Russians fascists («ruscists», to be more exact). So, who is right?.. Both sides? No one?.. Let’s try to investigate this.

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The world and friendship according to Russia

Added by 10 лет ago

Russian Federation seeks for a polycentric world, where not only USA has the exclusive right to advance its interests… Russia just wants to have a minimal influence on intergovernmental integration processes of its neighbor countries, if these processes can impact its economy and/or safety… Russians ask to respect their concerns regarding NATO expansion closer to the Russian borders… These can be heard from Russian officials in context of the Ukrainian crisis. One can conclude, that all these actually make sense. Therefore, at least some European politicians have doubts regarding correctness of the current restrictions on Russia and think about choosing prosperity over coercion. Other world leaders and countries attempt to keep distance from the conflict assuming, that it’s not their business at all and it does not affect them in any manner. But, is all these true?.. Remember, Vladimir Putin claimed, those were not Russian troops in Crimea, who blocked the Ukrainian military units?.. As you can see, Russians often explain their behavior with what can be believed (i.e., just lie), but that does not have to be the truth. The real things are usually different…

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Echthrocracy or antagonist-oriented government

Added by 11 лет ago

It’s well known, that a common enemy is able to unite even irreconcilable parties, that would confront otherwise. The history knows many such cases. Thus, communist USSR joined the capitalist West in the fight against Nazis, but certainly their relations became tense again right after the end of the World War II.

Like many other similar tactics and human behavior peculiarities this feature can be and is used for different kinds of manipulations. At the moment it’s complicated to determine, who was the first, but USSR like many other communist countries used this feature to control its citizens. After the USSR dissolution the corresponding management strategy was inherited by the Russian Federation, certainly, being improved a bit. And this is the management strategy, we will discuss in this article…

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The nature of Euromaidan

Added by 11 лет ago


29th November 2013 should have become a historic date for Ukraine, as on this date this country planned to sign the Association Agreement with the European Union. It took years to get prepared to this event! But, on November 21 (i.e., 8 days before the event) the Ukrainian government suddenly made a decision to postpone the signing… This ended up with massive protests all over Ukraine, which got the name Euromaidan (translated as «euro-square»).

They say, that people on the Euromaidan stand for a faster integration with the European Union… But, it’s not so simple! No one officially refused the integration, actually — it was just postponed. And even if the integration was started right away, it would take years to give the real effect… So, what’s the point?

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