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Personal report for 2017

Added by 7 years ago

The personal report for the previous year can be seen here

This is another report for one more failure year, but, I hope, for the last such one (as I’m doing very serious things to prevent this in future). In this year, I finally realized, that I got into a comfort zone (again), which did not allow me to move forward and which, eventually, appeared to be not really comfort. Now I understand, that this could be seen just by reading my previous reports (for 2015-2016), but I was too “blind” (that’s, actually, how the comfort zone works).

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Kayako API resource presentation

Added by 8 years ago

There are two ways, in which you can design your API – you can create it for applications or you can create it for users. Historically, APIs were created for applications, what, I believe, was wrong. Your API is another your service, so it should be as friendly to the end user as possible, just like your normal services. And, it’s the user (e.g., a developer), that uses your API, not an application, that he/she is possibly writing (thus, some users can use your API through command-line CURL).

This is the approach, which is propagated by such famous API designers as Apigee and which was also taken by Kayako, when we were designing our API. And, that’s why we decided to use the current approach for the partial output, which we implemented with the help of the special fields= argument, that should be specified in the request URI.

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Mastering Redmine: Upgrading to Redmine 3.3 (from 3.2)

Added by 8 years ago

As you can read in the book, I decided to store the Redmine code for the book’s project in the directory /opt/redmine/redmine-x.y.z, where x.y.z is the version number. I chose such location to be able to easily switch back to the previous version of Redmine in a case of upgrade failure.

However, such approach introduced a need to copy all the user and state data, such as logs, from the old version to the new one during the upgrade. And, there are quite a lot of such data. So, to simplify this process, I decided to modify the Redmine file structure a little.

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Projects: Facebook, Twitter and GitHub authentication

Added by 8 years ago

After I have restored the possibility for users to authenticate on my website using their Google accounts, I decided to give a try to the TweetBook plugin for Redmine, which lets authenticate users with their Facebook, Twitter and GitHub accounts. Unfortunately, it appeared to be more complicated, than I expected, and I had to fork and fix this plugin to be able to use it (the original plugin was created by Sandeep Kumar).

Eventually, you can login into my website using your Facebook, Twitter or GitHub account. Also, you can login using you Google account, what was already announced in a separate news.

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Personal report for 2016

Added by 8 years ago

The personal report for the previous year, which was 2015, is available here

Generally, I feel, that from the IT point of view this year was a failure. Like the previous one… I should really do something with this in the next years. Anyway…

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About russian fascism and Roger Griffin’s comments on it (1 comment)

Added by 9 years ago

In my article about fascism in the contemporary Russia, which we (Ukrainians) call “ruscism”, I review tenets of fascism, that are listed in the corresponding article on Wikipedia, and compare them to the regime of Vladimir Putin. This way I show, how close is the Russian regime to the true fascism! Unlike the Ukrainian one, that the Russian propaganda used to call fascist…

Certainly, my investigation of the subject made me believe, that the regime of the contemporary Russia is truly fascist. During this investigation I also checked studies of Roger Griffin, who is a well-known specialist in fascism. Thus, I was astonished, how his term palingenetic ultranationalism precisely explains, why the fascism rose in Russia. According to Griffin, the palingenesis is what differentiates the true fascism from para-fascism. And, it was exactly what convinced me, that the ruscism is a true fascism (i.e., not para-fascism). But, later I found comments of Roger on this subject, in which he stated, that Russia does not seem to be fascist…

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Review of Qr-Cam 601H (YNKJDV 811 WIFI)

Added by 9 years ago

Recently, I got a chinese mini Wi-Fi camera, that was described as H.264 HD 1920×1080. I chose this model as it looked to be easy to mount (due to the form of a pin), independent (does not have to be near a PC or a network socket), mobile (can be easily moved to a different location) and small. It would be quite a good device (for its price), but it appeared to be too unstable. Also, it comes with an awful documentation and too little of information about its capabilities, even in Internet.

I expected to see the name of the manufacturer and the model on the package box or on the device itself, but was not able to do this. In other words, there was nothing, that identified the camera, except its form! Moreover, the package did not include even a document, that would explain, how to use it. However, the box had two QR codes – one for the iOS app and another one for the Android app. So, that’s how I was able to locate websites of (I assume) the embedded software developer (www.qr-cam.com) and (aslo assume) the manufacturer (www.ynkjdv.com). Eventually, the former helped me to find out the rest. By the way, the manufacturer declares its model as 811 WIFI, while the embedded software developer claims, that it (the “modal”, see below) is 601H. So, generally, it looks like the device has two brands and two models – YNKJDV 811 WIFI and Qr-Cam 601H.

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Mastering Redmine: The project reviewed in the book is now live

Added by 9 years ago

To demonstrate, what is Redmine and how it works, in Mastering Redmine I create a special demo project. This project is about the book, so the latter can be considered to be about the former as well (yes, it’s about Redmine, but uses the project as a sample). And, for the second edition of the book… Yes, I work on its second edition right now, if you have not yet been aware. So, for the second edition I do the same – i.e., create a demo project on a demo Redmine installation. But, this time the installation is… live!

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