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Mastering Redmine is a comprehensive guide with tips, tricks and best practices, and an easy-to-learn structure.

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Tag: Mastering Redmine

Mastering Redmine: Upgrading to Redmine 3.3 (from 3.2)

Added by 8 years ago

As you can read in the book, I decided to store the Redmine code for the book’s project in the directory /opt/redmine/redmine-x.y.z, where x.y.z is the version number. I chose such location to be able to easily switch back to the previous version of Redmine in a case of upgrade failure.

However, such approach introduced a need to copy all the user and state data, such as logs, from the old version to the new one during the upgrade. And, there are quite a lot of such data. So, to simplify this process, I decided to modify the Redmine file structure a little.

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Mastering Redmine: The project reviewed in the book is now live

Added by 9 years ago

To demonstrate, what is Redmine and how it works, in Mastering Redmine I create a special demo project. This project is about the book, so the latter can be considered to be about the former as well (yes, it’s about Redmine, but uses the project as a sample). And, for the second edition of the book… Yes, I work on its second edition right now, if you have not yet been aware. So, for the second edition I do the same – i.e., create a demo project on a demo Redmine installation. But, this time the installation is… live!

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Mastering Redmine: Second edition announcement

Added by 9 years ago

Recently I was contacted by an editor from Packt Publishing asking me to update the book. To be honest, for me it’s not a good time for an additional work (I have many other things to do), but this book is like my kid and it really needs my attention. So, I agreed (having negotiated a reasonable schedule, of course). In other words, let me announce the second edition of the Mastering Redmine book, which is going to be published at the start of 2016.

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Mastering Redmine: Launching the project for reader support

Added by 11 years ago

There should be a place, where readers can come in a case of doubts, questions, for clarification or specification, and so on. The Mastering Redmine project is such place for readers of the Mastering Redmine book, which was authored by me and published on January 25 by Packt Publishing.

I’m quite sure, that this book and this project will bring new users to my website. I hope, that such users will read this particular news, where I’m going to describe, what you can find on the website and in this particular project…

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Mastering Redmine: My book announcement (1 comment)

Added by 12 years ago

I guess sizes of news and Wiki pages, which has been written by me so far, indicate, that I like writing to some extent… I don’t feel it this way though (it’s quite complicated for me to, but, I believe, that it’s the integral part of the good development process, so that’s why I do this usually). Or, maybe, I just don’t know myself well enough?..

Having started to deal with Redmine and having noticed, what kind of mistakes its users usually do, I got the feeling, that I would like to create a blog some day, where I would discuss such issues (by the way, I still want to do this)… I really had a lot of ideas, what to write about for Redmine, and even started to note them.

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