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Another server migration announcement (2 comments)

Added by 11 years ago

For more than 3 years I was a happy customer of BurstNET web hosting provider… But, recently I discovered, that, actually, I was a lucky customer of this company. Yes, I had some issues with their service, but not ones, that I interpreted as critical! However, some of their customers appeared to be very unhappy (I saw a post on some forum claiming, that the author cannot get his/her data for more than a half of year)

So, why did I get interested about the quality of their service?.. On the previous week I got an email, notifying me, that I have a month to… get away from them! I did not believe, that this could be the truth (this could be fake), so I googled for the problem… And, expectedly, figured out, that I was not the only one. Yet still I did not believe, so I decided to ask the support team for a confirmation and to wait, if more people get such emails (normally people share such news)

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Redmine › Subscription: Getting email notifications about major project events

Added by 11 years ago

There are many complaints, that Redmine is sending too many notifications and is missing functionality to configure them properly… So why then writing this plugin? I believe the problem is in what it sends. You can choose either to receive everything including issue changes, notes, Wiki changes, new messages in boards and so on or just issues. That’s either too much or too little.

Saying I’m just a user of a project. How do I know, when a new version is released?.. Yes, I can subscribe to RSS., but which RSS? News?.. Okay, I can do this. Since Redmine 2.5.x I can even watch news! Assuming, that there will be a news posted about the new release. But, what if not?.. Can I  subscribe to files?.. No! Also, there can be no files in the project – users can get code from, e.g., Git. Maybe I can subscribe to versions?.. No! I can subscribe to activities RSS, but it has the same issue as email notifications – too much data! So I can’t know, when new version comes?!.

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Redmine › WikiNG: Three ways to add custom HTML content to Wiki in Redmine

Added by 11 years ago

It’s absolutely common for a Redmine user to ask: How do I add custom HTML code to the Wiki content? Here by Wiki content users usually mean not just a Wiki page, as in Redmine a Wiki syntax enabled content is used everywhere (well, almost) – in project description, in issue description, in news, in comments, and so on. Anyway, normally, for Redmine such inquisitive persons get quick and definite answer: There is no way!..

As this is a common question, certainly, I used to ask it too. But, as I’m a Redmine plugin developer, I was able to “give” a different answer… Depending on the features, I developed, I used to implement some capabilities for embeding custom HTML code into different places of Redmine interface. There were no plan or design – I just implemented, what I thought at that moment can be reasonable and needful. Only after implementing those things I realized, that in several my plugins I implemented almost the same feature – the possibility to embed custom HTML code into the Wiki content. Luckily it was implemented in different ways…

To be more precise this was done in two my plugins – in Hooks Manager and in WikiNG. As some of these features are not foremost and, therefore, can be unnoticed and as the feature is commonly asked, I decided to describe its implementations in this article.

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Redmine › SCM Creator (+Github): Using Github repositories with Redmine

Added by 11 years ago

Github is the most popular online service for hosting and collaborative development of open source projects. And Redmine is the most popular personal and enterprise open source project hosting and management solution. So, no wonder, that these two systems are used together quite often.

Thus, Github’s Redmine service hook can be used to trigger fetching of repository updates by Redmine, when new commits are made to the Github repository. Unfortunately, it’s useless for the pure Redmine, as Redmine is not able to work with Github repositories directly (only through the local Git mirror, which needs to be created and updated manually)… Moreover, I am not aware of any solution, which could be used for this (even through the mirror).

Certainly, Redmine (especially its community) does much more to support Github. Thus, there is the plenty of tutorials describing how to mirror and keep Github repositories in sync for Redmine (e.g., this or this). Also there exist special plugins for making Github repositories easier usable under Redmine. The most noticeable such plugin is Github hook authored by Jakob Skjerning.

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Redmine » Themes › Red-Andy: Red-Andy 1.00 – the first responsive theme for Redmine (3 comments)

Added by 11 years ago


The idea of the responsive layout is to allow viewing the website on devices with small screens. To make this possible the browser should be able to change the layout depending on the available screen width of the device. What and how should be done is described using the CSS3 media rules

In fact, there already were some attempts to make the Redmine layout responsive… The best known one was made by Xander Dumaine, but his theme is not maintained and currently is available generally as the article describing how to make a responsive theme for Redmine (nevertheless, I used his article a little to make Red-Andy responsive). There is also the RedmineCRM theme of Kirill Bezrukov, which is described as “responsive”, but I have not found any proof of this (neither a screenshot, nor any code making it really responsive – looks like Kirill meant something else, when described the theme this way)… Considering this Red-Andy 1.00 seems to be the first (and only) responsive theme for Redmine!

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Projects: Another Redmine versions support policy change

Added by 11 years ago

Till now I was trying to make all my plugins work under the common preselected set of recent Redmine and ChiliProject versions (thus, till recently they were: Redmine 1.4.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x and ChiliProject 3.x). So, before releasing any of my plugins I had to test it under all such versions. Certainly, usually there appeared many compatibility issues, which I had to fix.

This approach generally failed… To support so many versions I needed much time, that I did not have due to different reasons – once the reason was the book, I was writing, another time it was stress, I had due to the severe crisis in Ukraine. The time comes and I write more new plugins, what, certainly, makes their support even more complicated. So, I believe, it’s the time to reduce the number of versions, I aim to support…

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План Путина и Украина (1 comment)

Added by 11 years ago

Похоже, все, что Россия делает сейчас, планировалось уже очень давно. Посудите сами:


В своей речи посвященной присоединению Крыма к Российской Федерации 18 марта 2014 года президент России Владимир Путин утверждал, что: 1) решение о передаче Крыма УССР было принято “с очевидными нарушениями действовавших тогда конституционных норм”, 2) после того, как Украина стала независимым государством, Россия “почувствовала, что ее не просто обокрали, а ограбили”, 3) но, несмотря на это, Россия “опустила голову и смирилась, проглотила эту обиду”, и тому подобное. Официальной же причиной, почему Россия пошла на этот шаг (сначала “защиту”, а потом и вовсе аннексию Крыма), различные российские официальные лица раньше называли (фашистский) “вооруженный государственный переворот” в Украине! Так в чем же первопричина? Учитывая, что в своем обращении Путин сначала вспомнил о “несправедливости”, а потом уже о перевороте?.. Может, если бы в Украине не было “государственного переворота”, то для России “ограбление” и “неконституционная передача” Крыма не были бы настолько обидными?.. Конечно же, нет! А это значит, что у России был мотив сделать из обычной революции государственный переворот для оправдания своих дальнейших действий! А ведь именно это, по словам украинских и западных экспертов, и сделала Россия.

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Как “американцы” изменили мое отношение к России (10 comments)

Added by 11 years ago

В этой статье под “Россией” я имею ввиду государство в лице его правителей и его внешнюю политику, которая, по сути, не изменилась со времен СССР. Речь не идет о простых россиянах! Хотя многие россияне и поддерживают политику своей страны, в том числе, перенимая ее отношение к украинцам, я убежден, что трезвомыслящему человеку никогда не стоит равнять всех под одну гребенку по какому-то ни было общему признаку. Тем не менее, понятное дело, иногда это очень сложно не делать и, потому, многие украинцы все таки начинают хуже относиться к россиянам, как к нации…

Другими словами, в этой статье мы поговорим о том, как же все таки случилось, что братские народы – россияне и украинцы – сегодня во многом не могут найти общий язык. Многие россияне, с которыми мне доводилось разговаривать на эту тему, убеждены, что это – результат антироссийской пропаганды Запада. Конечно же я не могу отвечать за каждого украинца, но в формировании лично моего отношении к России я не вижу никаких следов действий Запада! Любое отношение человека к чему-либо основывается на некоторых значимых случаях из его личного опыта и именно из-за таких случаев мое отношение к России значительно ухудшилось за последние 15-20 лет. Чтобы вы могли понять, почему так случилось, я хочу навести некоторые особо запомнившиеся мне случаи. Таким образом вы сами сможете сделать вывод, кто мог повлиять на эти события и, следственно, на мое отношении к России…

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Echthrocracy or antagonist-oriented government

Added by 11 years ago

It’s well known, that a common enemy is able to unite even irreconcilable parties, that would confront otherwise. The history knows many such cases. Thus, communist USSR joined the capitalist West in the fight against Nazis, but certainly their relations became tense again right after the end of the World War II.

Like many other similar tactics and human behavior peculiarities this feature can be and is used for different kinds of manipulations. At the moment it’s complicated to determine, who was the first, but USSR like many other communist countries used this feature to control its citizens. After the USSR dissolution the corresponding management strategy was inherited by the Russian Federation, certainly, being improved a bit. And this is the management strategy, we will discuss in this article…

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Как два идиота загнали мир в тупик (3 comments)

Added by 11 years ago

Одним из моих любимых выражений (и таких, которые все время подтверждаются) является: “Человеческая глупость – безгранична”. На сегодняшний день та самая злополучная человеческая глупость и поставила мир на грань Третьей мировой войны! А ведь было огромное количество возможностей не доводить до этого. Но, как и полагается глупым людям, все такие возможности были просраны…

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