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About the Projects category

Added by 11 years ago

The WordPress installation, you are browsing right now, is not a usual one… This installation runs the WordPress/Redmine integration solution, developed by me especially for this website. A part of the integration task is performed by the WordMine plugin for WordPress, which also implements a new “Project” taxonomy. The terms of this taxonomy are automatically synchronized with Redmine projects, what allows to have individual blogs for each of them (under the new Blog tab in the project menu).

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About the Studio category

Added by 11 years ago

Being in the school, I also attended the art school. I can’t say, that I loved to or that I was a good pupil, but I did learned to paint…

In fact, I loved to paint but did not like to do, what was requested in the art school. There we usually painted the same jugs, fruits and so on all the time…

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About the Expertise category

Added by 11 years ago

I spent over 15 years working in IT – I used to be a system administrator, a designer, a web-designer, a developer, an analyst and a team lead. I worked in education, in freelancing, in IT outsourcing and, finally, in product development. I used to develop in Perl, C, C++, Pascal, ActionScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bash, PHP, Ruby and more. In other words, I’m quite an experienced guy and have something to share…

Currently I work in Kayako – the company, that develops the most advanced and featureful help desk solution on the planet. So far I have worked on the KQL reporting engine and the REST API subsystem for the Kayako product. My personal (this) site runs on Redmine and WordPress and includes custom plugins and themes developed by me for these systems. So, I learned all these applications quite well! Thus, for Redmine I also authored the Mastering Redmine book, which was published by Packt Publishing.

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Про категорію “Особисте”

Added by 11 years ago

Якщо чесно, я не дуже люблю виставляти в Інтернеті щось особисте. Навіть користуючись соціальними мережами я завжди ретельно вибираю, чим ділитися зі своїми віртуальними друзями та усіма іншими, хто цікавиться моїм особистим життям.

У цій категорії буде розміщуватись усе, що стосується особистого або не відноситься до інших категорій цього блогу.

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About the Opinion category

Added by 11 years ago

This category is going to spread my personal opinion on many topics. But, why do I think, that this worth doing?..

First, I have peculiar opinions on many things (like many other people do, actually). Certainly, such opinions may help others understand the things better. And, certainly, I can be wrong and in such cases I would like to know, if I am – so, I’m looking for discussions!

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Про категорію “Точка зору”

Added by 11 years ago

У цій категорії я планую розповідати про свою точку зору на різні теми. Але навіщо?..

По-перше, у мене своєрідна точка зору на багато речей (як і у багатьох інших, безумовно). Тому, можливо, вона допоможе комусь краще зрозуміти деякі речі. Також, звичайно ж, у чомусь я можу помилятися і, якщо це так, то я б хотів про це знати – отже, буду радий обговорити свою точку зору!

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About the Personal category

Added by 11 years ago

To be honest, I do not like sharing too many personal details with the World. Being a social network user I share the controllable amount of information with my online friends and anyone, who is interested in my “offline” life.

Everything, that looks personal or not related to other categories, will go under this category.

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My first blog post or now I’m doing this too

Added by 11 years ago

Probably, at the moment, when you come to this blog post, you will also be able to find older ones… Despite this, this blog post is really the first one! All the older posts were Redmine news, Facebook notes or something else before and have been, in fact, moved to this blog. I had a dream to launch my blog long before this post and, as I did not have it running yet, I used other applications to share my thoughts…

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Website update announcement (4 comments)

Added by 11 years ago

My current website is running on the oldstable Debian 6 and Redmine 1.0.x while the recent stable version of Debian is 7 and the latest version of Redmine is 2.4.x! But such old versions are not the problem – the problem is that they do not allow me to run new plugins and features. Also the official support of Debian 6 is to be stopped soon and this means no more security updates for the OS!

Due to peculiar circumstances the upgrade also implies the change of server and, therefore, IP address. So, it’s going to take some time, as it requires data transfer between old and new server.

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A small outsourcing firm questions CIO’s 7 PM wishes (1 comment)

Added by 11 years ago

Having worked in the IT outsourcing for more than 7 years I studied this industry very well and built a strong vision of it. Thus, I believe, that IT outsourcing has too many grave weaknesses, no one, usually, is trying to rectify. Moreover, these weaknesses do not seem to be known or recognized by any party – neither by vendors nor by customers. Therefore, in my (forthcoming) blog I aim to pay a special attention to them.

In this article we’ll discuss a blog post of a small outsourcing firm – not one of the best, but, most likely, one of the worst representatives of the IT outsourcing industry. But that’s even better as more serious companies are trying to detect and conceal their weaknesses, while companies like this one do not pay much attention to self-examination. Yet still, I believe, the problems revealed are common for all IT outsourcing companies!

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